Announcing The Publication of “MY LIFE IN WATER” by Cat Pleska

My Life in Water is a collection of essays about the fluidity of life, its ebb and flow. Each essay tells the story of a time when one comes close to drowning, floats in joy and peace, watches others sink or swim. It’s about how liquid of some type, such as membranous croup, wild river rapids, floods, small islands, the rising ocean tides—can bring deep realizations to help connect the individual to the basic elements of life, to navigate its streams.

Strap on a life jacket and dive into this often perilous, at times funny, always poignant collection bubbling with the language of water. Ever present is the danger of drowning from inattentive caregivers, from white-water rapids or a bridge collapse into a roiling river. From fluid-filled lungs gasping with croup or pneumonia. But water also brings healing and an understanding that navigating tricky waters, whether literal or metaphorical, has made Cat the surest captain of her own life.

~Marie Manilla, author of Patron Saint of Ugly

cat in tub with book squared

My Life in Water by Cat Pleska

$18.95 book + $1.14 md sales tax + $7 shipping


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